Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Is it summer YET?!?

I laugh every time I see this picture!

It's that time of year again...FINALLY! We went swimming for the first time yesterday, yes it is June 16th. We have had the craziest summer it has been so cold, even for me and I am pregnant! But now that the weather is warmer Lincoln and I can get into our favorite routine of wakening up watching cartoons and heading off to the pool for the day! I haven't taken any recent pictures of us at the pool, cuz we've only been once but here are some from last year, just to keep the post interesting!


Angela Hill said...

It took me a minute to see why that picture is so funny but I got it and I laughed hysterically. I love it!! now we know what he really thinks about the camera or you.

Megan said...

Cute! I love summer too...I thought he looked like a baby in those pics!

Heather said...

super cute pics. They are dancing! Love them :)

Amy said...

Nice finger gesture Lincoln! Super cute!!!

Natalie Francis said...

You should move to Arizona and then you can swim all year long :)

Wendy said...

Last years pic's???? Whats up with that?

Mrs. O said...

That picture is priceless!

Becky said...

So, what pool do you head to every day? And why am I never invited?

Jennica said...

Lincoln is totally flipping you off. That's awesome! :)

The Bentley's said...

wow, teaching him young??? at least he will know what to do with all those cars that cut him off:) hehe:))?? sorry, i never called you about our basement. I'm horrible I know... We had to get it done quick, so we went with a guy here... he did a good job and now it's just about finished!!! carpet comes tommorrow....hopefully:) have fun in breckenwridge??sp??

Melanie and Chauncey West said...

Lincoln flipping you off is priceless. It should be memorialized and posted everywhere for a laugh!

Therena Taylor & Family said...

Your little boy is adorable! Can you believe we have kids that old?

Holly said...

lol did he learn that from you? sounds like you guys are having a great summer! and props to you for takeing him swimming all the time being prego.