We had a couple of "firsts" in our house this last week or so. Our first black eye not on my little boy but my sweet little princess. Bree fell off the couch at a friends house and she hit a toy or something, and she just bawled and bawled but the next morning she looked like this. She just might end up being a handful!
Last night we were at a BBQ and our friends house(not the same as Bree's but close.....hmmm maybe we need new friends ;)) and all the kids were playing really well they were jumping on the tramp and riding bikes and going down a Little Tykes Baby slide, and that is what Lincoln jumped off and broke his arm. I don't know how it happened because I had my back to him, like any good mother would. We went to the dr. office and they put it into a splint then we went to the hospital and had it x-rayed. He was such a good boy when we had to turn his arm in all the painful positions for the x-ray he would cry for a sec then talk to me about what happened,"I got my arm hurt" and "Nica kicked the slide" thank goodness we had Nica there to save the day! He kept saying "my arms alive, see mom" then he would wiggle his other hand, then he would ask "my arm dead mommy?" it was so funny! so now we just wait for the hard cast and a super awesome summer!
By the way I have NEVER broken a bone, and I don't think Randy has a bone left that HASN'T been broken. Just another sign that the only thing I gave my kids was the womb.
When I told J about Lincoln's broken arm, he started singing, "No more monkeys jumping on the bed!" He wants to see Lincoln's broken arm -- I think he is jealous.
He's got some big shoes to fill. We've been lucky and no injuries so far on this tramp.
you were an A+ mom for that party...but lost that grade with those two accidents!
poor lincoln, i hope he feels better tomorrow .....mmmmm what color are you going to get for his cast?
I'm sorry she got her first swollen black eye at my house...but at least I wasn't babysitting alone! Weren't you the one right next to her when she fell off that d word couch! Not lovin' my couch so much now are ya? She still is the cutest li'l princess with that quasi moto eye:) And poor Link! We are all dying to know what happened at the dr. today. So text one of us would ya?!?!
poor baby!!! but at least he had an awesome birthday party a few days before.
and as far as the black eye goes, I think she lost to both my boys by a good 5 months as far as their first black eyes go, so you're okay, no bad parenting there.
Sad. Poor babies. Bree still looks adorable though! Look at those cheeks and smile!
Hey Rach! Your little kids are so adorable even all banged up! It was great getting an update on ya'll. We live in the south now so I am polishing up my lingo! Love you.
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